Rabu, 07 Desember 2011


HD was first to arrive in the market with a bang and people were highly satisfied with the amazing picture quality offered. After stage Blu-ray arrived again with a great bang, however too many people knew what exactly Blu-ray is. Then people started known the importance of it and the battle between these two became stiff. With the improved technology gaming consoles and televisions are now capable to provide you either blu-ray or HD format for your convenience. So who is wins the war? In fact the sales among these two were very close in Europe. HD format tend to break 1 million sales and 73% of it are HD movie.

In addition we need consider PS3 number of disc sales for Blu-ray and other blu-ray discs. When we combine both together then blu-ray format actually have reached about 21 million sales. On the other hand, blu-ray movies as well became more widely accepted than HD movies. Latter may be expensive but its features have really attracted people and felt each penny spent on it is worth. We have been talking about the sales that took place only in Europe. Soon we will be reviewing information on how they are performance around United States or any other part of the globe.

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