MSI first introduced its X-Slim line of notebooks at CES in January. Back then they had Intel Atom processors. Then MSI upgraded the notebooks to single core CULV processors such as the SU3500 and Core 2 Solo processor. And now MSI is giving these notebooks another performance boost. The company has just launched an MSI X350 notebook with a dual core Intel CULV processor.
The X350 is an ultra-thin notebook with a 13.4 inch display. It is an updated version of the X340. The notebook can be configured with either an Intel Pentium Dual Core SU4100 or Core 2 Duo SU7300 processor.
The MSI X350 will be available with 320GB to 500GB of storage space. 4-cell and 8-cell batteries are available. Other features include Intel GMA 4500MHD integrated graphics, HDMI, 2GB of RAM and 1.3 MP webcam. The 13.4 inch display comes with 1366 x 768 pixels.
The X-Slim notebooks have always been compared to MacBook Air, even though the latter has much better specs and a much higher price tag. Despite getting a specs boost, the new MSI X-Slim X350 is no MacBook Air. But it is much better than a netbook.
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